VHR Permits and Information

Tahoe keys resort - Owner portal

(For SLT City Permits Only)

To renew your CITY vacation home rental permit, you should be aware of the new requirements adopted by the City of South Lake Tahoe City Council on November 21, 2017:

A new vacation home rental application is required annually and must be submitted with your payment before the permit expires. There is no grace period. Failure to meet this requirement shall rendered the vacation home rental permit null and void.

The renewal process now requires you to complete a vacation home rental application and submit it with your payment.

Send completed application to the attention of the VHR Clerk by mail to 1052 Tata Lane, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150, or fax to (530) 541-7254, or email to vhr@cityofslt.us. Please reference the property address on the check and issue the check to the City of South Lake Tahoe.
You may also pay directly online at https://www.csltmail.com/egovplus/entity/login_main.aspx, or call (530) 542-6011 to make a payment over the phone.

Should you have any questions regarding your vacation home rental permit; please contact The SLT City VHR Program Staff at (530) 542-6011 or email vhr@cityofslt.us.

City: South Lake Tahoe

The City of South Lake Tahoe has made many changes to the Transient Lodging code over the past 6 months. We recommend reading the latest revised code - Ordinance No. 1114 to familiarize yourself with the current regulations.

The changes in the code have required us to make some changes to our reservation and check in procedures, signage within your homes and the wording we use in our marketing.
In addition to those changes we have also put in place a process where we are able to investigate, review and appeal if necessary any code violations that occur at your property. Because each incident is unique, and sometimes requires extensive research, we have a external professional, who attends meetings, communicates with guest and owners, and represents the company at any appeal hearing. This is proving to be both cost and time effective as well showing very favorable hearing results.

City SLT Links


City SLT - Staff Report City Council, Meeting of November 7th, 2017