Bereavement Support Unit

If you have recently lost a loved one, please accept our deepest sympathies.

We understand that it can be a distressing time when a family member or someone close to you dies. It can be hard to cope with the loss of a loved one and to deal with legal and financial issues at the same time. To help you sort out the financial affairs of one of our deceased customers, we’ve set up a Bereavement Support Unit dedicated to providing you as much help as possible.


Before you get in touch with us

Before you get in touch with us

We know this is a difficult time, being prepared may help you. Bereavement

Pick the best option to notify us

Pick the best option to notify us

We have a number of ways for you to notify us. Pick the option which suits you best. Bereavement

<a href=What happens after you notify us?" width="373" height="230" />

What happens after you notify us?

How we manage the accounts of the deceased after notification. Bereavement

Funeral expenses

How do I pay the funeral director and funeral related expenses?

Paying for funeral and other related expenses has been made as easy as possible. Bereavement

Bereavement Booklet

Bereavement Booklet

Helping you to work through finances during bereavement. Bereavement

Bereavement support

Contact the Bereavement Support Unit

Bereavement Support Unit. Bereavement

Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

Some legal terms explained. Bereavement

Proof of Identification and Address requirements

If you are not a Bank of Ireland account holder you will have to provide some documentation. Bereavement

Useful Checklists and Forms

Useful Checklists and Forms

Checklists and Forms which will help you manage your way through the bereavement process .

Bank of Ireland Group plc is a public limited company incorporated in Ireland, with its registered office at 2 College Green, Dublin, D02 VR66 and registered number 593672. Bank of Ireland Group plc, whose shares are listed on the main markets of the Irish Stock Exchange plc and the London Stock Exchange plc, is the holding company of Bank of Ireland.

Bank of Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. In the UK, Bank of Ireland is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland and authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority. Details about the extent of our regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority are available from us on request.